This fall many farm trade shows went virtual or some even canceled, including the Indiana Farm Equipment and Technology Expo. The Fort Wayne Farm Show has taken a different approach.
Historically held in January, health officials and show producers, Trade Expos, felt the current COVID-19 outbreak would make a January show too dangerous. Show Manager Fred Cline said pushing the show back to March was something exhibitors and Allen County health officials were comfortable with.
“It seemed that trying to produce a show in January was just too dangerous. But holding off and having the show at a later date gave the opportunity for things to change.”
The new show dates are March 9-11, and keep the Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday format of the event that draws thousands from a three state area.
“Hopefully, looking at those dates, we will be in a different world. We may have a vaccine by then,” said Cline.
He added that Allen County health officials felt the situation would be improved by March. Kline said the later dates will also help the seminar series by allowing the presenters to be in person rather than virtual.
“Purdue and the SWCD will present the seminars again; and, with the later dates, they hope to have presenters in person and not on a screen.”
The March dates will still be in advance of planting and may even provide some more favorable weather in NE Indiana. Kline told HAT they had given some consideration to a virtual show, but they had received feedback from exhibitors that they would not then participate.