Norman Borlaug Statue To Be Dedicated in Washington

Norman Borlaug
Norman Borlaug

A statue of Dr. Norman Borlaug, widely regarded as the father of the Green Revolution, will be dedicated on March 25 in the National Statuary Hall of Fame in the U.S. Capitol. The statue will represent the state of Iowa, Borlaug’s birthplace and childhood home, and will take its place alongside likenesses of some of the country’s most revered citizens, including Dwight D. Eisenhower of Kansas, Helen Keller of Alabama, and Will Rogers of Oklahoma. 

Borlaug’s work in wheat improvement saved starving populations around the globe and earned him our nation’s – and the world’s — highest honors. They include the Nobel Peace Prize in 1970 and the Presidential Medal of Freedom in 1977. Often called America’s greatest agricultural scientist, Borlaug also created the World Food Prize in 1986. 

Dedicating the statue will be House Speaker John Boehner, R.Ohio,; Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D.-Nev.; Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell of Kentucky and House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi of California.


Source: Agri Pulse

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