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American Coalition For Ethanol Says E15 Another Step Closer To The Consumer

The American Coalition for Ethanol (ACE), a national advocacy association for the U.S. ethanol industry, today praised the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for its decision to approve E15 health effects testing, a necessary step before the new fuel can be registered and ultimately made available to marketers.


ACE Executive Vice President Brian Jennings says the decision makes E15 another step closer to the consumer. “Americans are paying record high gas prices for this time of year and E15 could save drivers 12 to 15 cents per gallon versus straight gasoline.  The sooner E15 emerges on the market, the sooner consumers will be able to choose between expensive and pollution-causing gasoline, and E15, a homegrown source of clean-octane at a remarkably affordable price,” Jennings said.


ACE Senior Vice President Ron Lamberty says the fuel will likely be available soon at most retail stations. “E15 has been tested and re-tested by EPA and DoE, and is proven safe for cars and light trucks that were manufactured in 2001 and later.  Most fuel retailers can store and pump it through existing tanks and lines, and while some local regulations may still have to be changed to accommodate E15, pumps and dispensers have to pass tests using 15% ethanol to gain UL approval.  The major manufacturers warranty many of their pumps up to 15% ethanol.  This is about consumer choice.  No stations have to sell E15, and drivers don’t have to buy it – but we are confident they will,” Lamberty said.