U.S. EPA Approves Optimum® AcreMax® XTreme Insect Protection by DuPont

DuPont announced today that it has received registration from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for Optimum® AcreMax® XTreme insect protection for corn. Optimum® AcreMax® XTreme adds to DuPont business Pioneer Hi-Bred’s lineup of single-bag solutions to deliver insect control and simplified refuge management for growers.  “Optimum® AcreMax® XTreme is the right product for growers who need enhanced above- and below-ground insect control and simplified refuge management on their acres,” said Paul E. Schickler, Pioneer president. “Growers need proven technology to defend their crop against insect damage, while receiving overall agronomic performance. Optimum® AcreMax® XTreme joins a very successful lineup of other simplified refuge Pioneer® brand products.”

Optimum® AcreMax® XTreme products integrate 95 percent of a trusted, high-yielding Pioneer® brand corn hybrid containing Herculex® XTRA insect protection. This is combined with YieldGard® Corn Borer insect protection and the Agrisure® RW trait and 5 percent of a similar non-Bt hybrid with herbicide tolerance to serve as the integrated refuge. All Optimum® AcreMax® XTreme products offer built-in herbicide tolerance.

Pioneer will introduce Optimum® AcreMax® XTreme products across multiple hybrid platforms for the 2013 growing season. This year Pioneer will place Optimum® AcreMax® XTreme products in IMPACT™ (Intensively Managed Product Advancement, Characterization and Training) plots across the United States and Canada. This innovative program offers customers and Pioneer sales professionals the opportunity to view and select the best products to fit their unique growing environments. Pioneer IMPACT™ plots are planted in local customers’ acres and are a key data source to support product commercialization. Optimum® AcreMax® XTreme insect protection products were approved by the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) in November 2011.

Pioneer offers several integrated refuge solutions for the U.S. Corn Belt; separate refuge is required in EPA-designated cotton growing areas. The complete line of simplified refuge products consists of:


*             Optimum® AcreMax® 1 insect protection – the industry’s first integrated corn rootworm refuge solution which allows growers the ability to plant the required corn borer refuge up to a half mile away.

*             Optimum® AcreMax® RW rootworm protection – the industry’s first integrated single-bag refuge solution for corn rootworm, with no additional refuge required in cotton counties.

*             Optimum® AcreMax® insect protection – the industry’s first U.S. approval of a single-bag integrated refuge product targeting above-ground insects.

*             Optimum® AcreMax® Xtra insect protection – single-bag integrated refuge product targeting above- and below-ground insects.

*             Optimum® AcreMax® XTreme insect protection – single-bag integrated refuge product featuring multiple modes of action for above- and below-ground insect control.



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