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Question Candidates on America’s Energy Future

The nation is now in an election-cycle that will determine national, state and local offices. And it’s an excellent opportunity to determine where candidates for these seats stand on the energy issues that impact our economy, our security and our environment.

25x’25 invites all renewable energy advocates to join the Alliance’s nearly 1,000 endorsing partners in vetting all candidates for public office on their positions on renewable energy policy, as well as make them familiar with the 25x’25 Vision.

America’s working lands can provide 25 percent of our energy from renewable resources like wind, solar, and biofuels by the year 2025, all while continuing to produce safe, affordable and abundant food, feed and fiber. This is a viable and economically feasible goal that has gained Congressional support by being adopted as part of the 2007 Energy Act signed into law by former President Bush.

Even during this time of fiscal restraint, political support of investments in programs, funding mechanisms or tax policies that accelerate the growth of the renewable energy that sector can create jobs and boost the economy, reduce our dependence on foreign oil and enhance our national security, and improve our environment.

The 25x’25 Alliance wants to encourage all to engage candidates at every level as they campaign within each state, county or municipality, asking them specific, direct questions about their support for the development of renewable forms of energy. In the process, advocates can ensure that renewable energy production is at the forefront of every candidate’s platform and that they understand their constituents are passionate about their ability to contribute to a 25x’25 vision.

And why shouldn’t they? The evidence of contributions renewable energy make to our economy and quality of life is well documented. Information available to voters who approach candidates is readily available. That includes the report, 25% Renewable Energy for the United States by 2025: An Analysis on Jobs Created By Meeting This Goal, which shows that achieving the 25x’25 goal has the potential to spark $646 billion in additional economic activity, the creation of more than 4.7 million jobs, and up to $37 billion in additional revenues for agriculture and forestry.

Also available is a handy reference guide, Renewable Energy Growing by Leaps and Bounds – Snapshots of Renewable Energy Development, that highlights the surging growth experienced in the since 2000.

There is an assortment of measurements that underscore the success of the renewable energy sector, including the fact that the share of U.S. energy consumption that comes from renewables, which was 9.3 percent in 2011, has grown by 30 percent in just four years. Advanced biofuels are on the verge of commercial realization, built on the success of ethanol, which makes up some 10 percent of the nation’s fuel supply, and the biodiesel industry, which far exceeded federal Renewable Fuels Standard requirements by producing more than 1.1 billion gallons. U.S. wind power installed capacity as reached nearly 50 gigawatts, U.S. installed biopower capacity exceeds 13,000 megawatts, and solar PV capacity in the United States is nearly 4,000 MW, all representing exponential increases over the past five years.

It is important to know where candidates stand on the issue of renewable energy. By asking them questions that require thoughtful and complete answers, 25x’25 partners and their renewable energy allies can help support and expand the energy solutions that can be delivered from our nation’s farms, ranches and forests. The 25x’25 Alliance invites you share your experience in candidate-engagement. E-mail us at info@25×

Source: the 25x’25 Blog