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Candidates for Governor Agree on Ethanol

Mike Pence

While support for ethanol was an issue in the Indiana  primary race for US Senate, it will not be an issue in the governor’s race.  Both John Gregg and Mike Pence are strong supporters of ethanol and renewable energy. John Gregg recently told an Indiana ethanol meeting, “I think ethanol and biofuels are a win-win for our state.”   Mike Pence told that same meeting he also strongly supports ethanol and renewable energy, “I believe ethanol is an important part of Indiana’s future.  I believe low cost energy in Indiana is an essential part of our ability to lead the nation in economic development and reform.”


John Gregg

Gregg said Indiana must move ahead with its own energy policy since Washington has not come up with one yet, “Since, as a nation, we have not come up with an energy policy, it is imperative that we in Indiana do what we can.”  He said that policy should include ethanol, renewable energy, clean coal, methane, natural gas, and even wind and solar.   Pence also favors an energy policy that encompasses a variety of energy sources but should also include consumer choice, “I am really someone who believes that we should work to expand consumer choices as the driving force in every part of our economy including ethanol.”  He added that expanding the availability of ethanol at the pump is a way to reduce our nation’s dependence on imported oil.


Here is the complete presentation by both candidates.

John Gregg

[audio:|titles=John Gregg]


Mike Pence
