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Corn Crop Estimate Underscores Ability of Farmers to Feed the World, Fuel the Nation

While it was just an estimate of U.S. corn production Thursday – the Renewable Fuels Association says the latest World Agricultural Supply and Demand Estimates report underscores the unique ability American farmers have to feed the world and help renewably fuel the nation. While the numbers could change from the 14.79-billion bushel projection – RFA says it’s clear that with normal growing conditions -farmers will continue to provide safe, reliable food and clean, domestic fuel – silencing the chicken littles that perpetually predict a shortage of corn and catastrophe in the grocery aisle.

By the numbers – RFA Vice President of Research and Analysis Geoff Cooper notes that a 14.79-billion bushel crop would beat the record-setting crop of 2009 by 11-percent; be 65-percent larger than the crop from 10 years ago; and be more than twice as large as the average-sized annual corn crop in the 1980s. The projected yield of 166-bushels per acre would set a record; mark just the third time in history that yields have topped 160-bushels per acre; be 35-percent higher than the average yield from the 1990s; and beat the average yield since 2000 by 12-percent. As for carry-out – the 1.88-billion bushel projection would more than double the 2011-12 carry-out; mark the highest level of carry-out in seven years; be the fourth-largest carry-out of the last two decades; and be 26-percent larger than the average carry-out since 2000.


Source: NAFB News Service