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Corn and Bean Planting Near a Month Ahead of Year Ago

Farmers continued planting in any areas that were dry enough to support equipment, according to the Indiana Field Office of USDA’s National Agricultural Statistics Service. The feverish planting pace farmers were on has slowed but planting of corn is still approximately 28 days ahead of last year while soybean planting is 26 days ahead. Frost damage to winter wheat is becoming more evident in the northern counties as the crop begins to form heads. Fruit and berry crops in northern and some central areas have also sustained considerable damage due to frost. Farmers made good progress spraying herbicides to their corn acreage during the week.


There were 4.5 days suitable for field work during the week. Ninety-three percent of the intended corn acreage has been planted compared with 22 percent last year and 53 percent for the 5-year average. By area, 95 percent of the crop has been planted in the north, 91 percent in the central region and 90 percent in the south. Seventy-five percent of corn acreage has emerged compared with 3 percent last year and 25 percent for the 5-year average. National corn planting progress is at 87 percent and 56 percent is emerged.

Sixty-eight percent of the intended soybean acreage has been planted compared with 4 percent last year and 22 percent for the 5-year average. By area, 76 percent of the soybean crop has been planted in the north, 65 percent in the central region and 60 percent in the south. Thirty-seven percent of soybean acreage has emerged compared with 0 percent last year and 5 percent for the 5-year average. The national numbers are 46 percent planted and 16 percent emerged.

Virtually all of the winter wheat acreage is now jointed. Eighty-one percent of the winter wheat acreage has headed compared with 21 percent last year and 26 percent for the 5-year average. Condition of winter wheat, still standing, declined slightly and is now rated 74 percent good to excellent compared with 58 percent last year at this time.


Livestock remained in mostly good condition during the week. Pasture condition is rated 74 percent good to excellent compared with 56 percent last year at this time.