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Pioneer Improves Digital Resources for Growers

An improved weather service feature that now forecasts estimated precipitation and growing degree units up to 15 days in advance is just one of the new digital resources available to growers from Pioneer Hi-Bred, a DuPont business. The PrecipEstimator and Growing Degree Unit (GDU) Calculator – available on and Mobile – feature a customized weather service from DTN that delivers better field-level weather data and a new display that allows users to easily track information.   “Pioneer developed these improved online and mobile tools to allow growers to access key agronomic information in the field,” says Chuck Bremer, Pioneer agronomy e-business information manager. “These digital resources represent another example of Pioneer’s commitment to provide growers with the services they need, where they need them.”
Also new are a series of videos that feature Pioneer agronomy experts throughout the U.S. These videos, called the Pioneer Moment, provide timely agronomy tips on local issues.  “The Pioneer Moment videos provide a great way for growers to not only learn about the latest agronomic issues and solutions, but also see what’s happening in other parts of the country,” says Bremer.



Using latitude and longitude you can select from a map, the PrecipEstimator shows daily and accumulated precipitation. A new sliding tab on the graph allows users to select information easily on a daily, weekly, monthly or annual basis. In addition, growers can see estimated forecast on a field-level basis for the next 15 days and a month-to-month comparison. To access the PrecipEstimator, growers can visit or find it in the “Tools and Calculators” section on Mobile via their smartphone.

Growing Degree Unit Calculator

The GDU calculator displays accumulated and daily GDU accumulation. It provides 10-year averages for field-level locations, as well as summaries for the previous two individual years. Users also can see forecast GDUs 15 days in advance.  To access the GDU calculator, growers can visit or look for it in the “Tools and Calculators” section on Mobile via their smartphone.  Both tools allow growers to view accumulation for a specific range as well as daily values.


The Pioneer Moment Videos


The Pioneer Moment videos can be accessed at Additional videos will be posted throughout the growing season as a resource to help growers with their agronomic needs.