Drought May Cut Indiana Corn Yields in Half June 19, 2012 9:49 pm|Most of Indiana remains very dry, but some parts of the state did see rain this week. Scattered…
Purdue Experts: Still Some Time Left To Rebound From Drought June 19, 2012 9:28 pm|Indiana farmers and livestock producers still can recover from one of the earliest onslaughts of extremely dry conditions…
Pioneer Field Update 6/19/12 with Brian Early June 19, 2012 9:11 pm|Brian Early, Pioneer agronomist based in Peru Indiana, said despite the lack of rain and 90 degree heat,…
Spider Mites Begin To Inhabit Drought-Stressed Soybean Fields June 19, 2012 7:02 pm|Very dry conditions are encouraging two-spotted spider mites to lay claim to drought-stressed soybean plants throughout the much…
Truman Project VP: Clean Energy Critical to National Security June 19, 2012 6:52 pm|On Tuesday, Mike Breen, Vice President of the Truman National Security Project and Operation Free Veteran, testified before…
Hoosier Ag Today Launches iPhone APP and Re-designed Android APP June 19, 2012 5:42 pm| Hoosier Ag Today, Indiana’s leading agricultural communications company, is proud to announce the launch of its first mobile…
Gary Wilhelmi 6-19-12 PM Comment June 19, 2012 2:50 pm|Financial Politically fractured EU reflects that condition at featureless G 20 meeting FOMC begins today with they can…
Service Projects Open Indiana FFA Convention June 19, 2012 2:49 am|For some Indiana FFA members the annual state convention kicked off Monday prior to the opening session as…
No Disaster Assistance Without Farm Bill June 19, 2012 1:58 am|Each day without rain reduces yields and puts this year’s crops in jeopardy, but grain and livestock producers…