On Tuesday, Mike Breen, Vice President of the Truman National Security Project and Operation Free Veteran, testified before the House Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations at their hearing entitled, “The Federal Green Jobs Agenda.” In his written testimony, Breen addressed the dangers of man-made climate change and the policy measures we can implement to secure America and strengthen our national security, including a commitment to clean, domestic energy sources.
At the hearing, Breen said: “The connection between our energy posture and the national security threats we face could not be more clear. Yet, even in the face of overwhelming evidence and the certain consequences that inaction will bring, some say that we cannot or should not act, claiming that the pace of progress is too slow, or the costs too high. Fortunately, there are still those who remember what the nay-sayers have forgotten: when Americans stand together, there is no new market we cannot master, and no technological revolution America cannot lead. By investing in 21st century technologies, like wind, solar and biofuels, we can reduce our dependence on oil and ensure America’s national security.”
Since 2009, the Truman National Security Project has been the leading voice on the connection between national security and energy independence with their ground breaking Operation Free campaign.