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NFU Supports SURE Extension

National Farmers Union President Roger Johnson says his group is concerned by the extreme weather conditions that are causing severe hardship for farmers and ranchers across the country. More than 32-hundred daily high temperature records were set in the month of 2012 alone. He says Congress needs to act to protect our family farmers and ranchers from such extreme weather. He adds that USDA must continue working to streamline disaster programs so they are easily accessible to those who need them most. The NFU Board of Directors has passed a resolution in support of current legislation that will extend permanent disaster programs for crops and livestock for one year in response to the drought that is plaguing U.S. agriculture. They believe the extension would provide certainty for farmers and ranchers while Congress works to pass the next farm bill.

The legislation – sponsored by Senators Max Baucus of Montana, Kent Conrad of North Dakota, Tim Johnson of South Dakota and Jon Tester of Montana – would extend the Supplemental Revenue Assistance Program, Livestock Indemnity Program, Livestock Forage Program and Emergency Livestock Assistance Program for one year. Johnson points out that more than one-thousand U.S. counties in 26 states have declared disasters due to the drought and wildfires. He says farmers currently don’t have adequate assistance for their 2011 and 2012 weather-related crop losses.

f the Navy’s testing and certification program of 50/50 blends of advanced hydrotreated biofuel and aviation gas in aircraft and marine diesel in surface ships.  The military’s ability to use fuels other than petroleum reduces the services’ vulnerability to rapid and unforeseen changes in the price of oil that can negatively impact readiness, while also increasing energy security.


Source: NAFB News Service