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Sixty-Six Indiana Counties in Total Now Designated Primary Natural Disaster Areas

Julia A. Wickard, State Executive Director of USDA’s Farm Service Agency (FSA) in Indiana announced that the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) has designated an additional 2 counties to the original 64 counties in Indiana as primary natural disaster areas due to losses caused by extreme drought.  “Each week, new counties are added through the U.S. Drought Monitor FAST TRACK Secretarial designation process,” said Wickard.  “These are extraordinary times for Indiana farmers and many are anxious to see the results of the USDA NASS August 2012 Crop Report next week.”


The 2 new counties are indicated with an asterisk:


Allen Bartholomew Blackford Boone Brown
Carroll Cass Clay Clinton Crawford
Daviess DeKalb Delaware Dubois Elkhart
Fountain Fulton Gibson Grant Greene
Hamilton Hancock Hendricks Henry Howard
Huntington *Jackson Johnson Knox Kosciusko
LaGrange Lawrence Madison Marion Marshall
Martin Miami Monroe Montgomery Morgan
Noble Orange Owen Parke Perry
Pike Posey Pulaski Putnam Rush
Shelby Spencer St. Joseph Steuben Sullivan
Tippecanoe Tipton Vanderburgh Vermillion Vigo
Wabash *Warren Warrick Wells White



One additional county also qualifies for natural disaster assistance because it is contiguous to a designated county. The new county is indicated with an asterisk.


Adams Benton Decatur Fayette
Franklin Harrison Jasper Jay
Jennings LaPorte Randolph *Scott
Starke Washington Wayne