The Cattlemen’s Beef Board and the Federation of State Beef Councils adopted a new structure during the 2012 Cattle Industry Summer Conference. The new structure effectively reduced the number of checkoff program committees to four in 2013 – down from 13. Each of the committees will be tied directly to core strategies identified in the 2011-2013 Beef Industry Long Range Plans. Beef Board member Hank Maxey says unification of the industry around the goals of the Long Range Plan is the vision of the plan itself. The Domestic Consumer Preference Committee, Global Growth Committee, Beef’s Image Committee and the Freedom to Operate Committee make up the four initial checkoff program committees.
Each committee will have the ability to appoint subcommittees where members deem necessary. The Domestic Consumer Preference Committee will have five subcommittees from the start. Each one will focus on one of five consumer demand drivers in the Long Range Plan – convenience; safety; value; nutrtion and health; and taste. Maxey notes the goal is to improve domestic preference for beef – not demand.
Beef Board CEO Polly Ruhland says the new structure is a big step forward to focusing checkoff work on consumer demand and preference. She says the conversion to the new structure will take place between now and the February 2013 cattle industry annual convention.
Source: NAFB News Service