Fifty-five farmers were honored Wednesday for the work they do to promote soil health and water quality on their Indiana farms. These special Hoosier producers received the prestigious River Friendly Farmer conservation award during ceremonies at the Indiana State Fair. The award is sponsored by the Indiana Association of Soil and Water Conservation Districts (IASWCD) and Indiana Farm Bureau, Inc. “We have an impressive group of recipients this year” says Ray McCormick, IASWCD president. “The conservation practices these farmers use improve soil health on their farms not just for themselves but for future generations. “Our River Friendly Farmer winners know soil is a complex living ecosystem and we all have an obligation to sustain and improve it. That’s what they are doing to conserve our natural resources every day,” adds McCormick.
The 2012 River Friendly Farmer recipients represent grain, livestock and poultry producers from watersheds in 40 Indiana counties. They join an elite group of 600 winners since the award was first given in 2000 to Hoosier farmers who use exceptional conservation practices to improve soil health and protect water quality. Additional sponsors of the award include the Indiana State Department of Agriculture Division of Soil Conservation and the the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service.
Recipients were honored by Lt. Governor Becky Skillman and Indiana Farm Bureau President Don Villwock. Also on hand for yesterday’s ceremony was USDA NRCS State Conservationist Jane Hardisty and President Abraham Lincoln (played by Wilbur Tague of Brownsburg, IN) who helped celebrate the USDA’s 150th anniversary.
This year’s River Friendly Farmers are:
- Adams County
Michael G. Werling - Clay County
Joe Edwards - Clay County
Tim Stearley - Clinton County
Clint Orr - Daviess County
Randall Byrer - Dearborn County
John Seubert - Decatur County
Fred Fry - DeKalb County
Douglas and Corinne Houser - Dubois County
Norbert Begle - Dubois County
Stan Leinenbach - Elkhart County
Keith E. Miller - Elkhart County
Mike Neff - Fayette County
Steve Wollyung - Franklin County
Lance Cox - Franklin County
Calvin Finch - Gibson County
Jeff, Joe, Mark, Rick, and Stan Ziliak - Hendricks County
Charles Brown - Hendricks County
Jack Maloney - Howard County
Richard Byrum - Howard County
Stephen Byrum - Huntington County
Tom Reed - Jay County
Barry Fennig - Jay County
Stephen Fennig - Knox County
Scott Hagemeier - Kosciusko County
Randy Beer - Kosciusko County
Darrel Byrer - LaGrange County
Andy Green - Miami County
Ronnie, Maxine, Clint, Beth, Ethan, and Brady Manning - Newton County
Sigmund Boezeman - Newton County
Douglas Gerbracht - Noble County
Steve Phares - Owen County
Steve Worland - Pike County
Kevin and Kenny Mundy - Posey County
Robert Fehrenbacher - Pulaski County
Dale Gudeman - Putnam County
Ron Alcorn - Putnam County
Byron Gough - Scott County
Marvin Rode - Spencer County
Chad Goldman - St. Joseph County
Bill Lappin - St. Joseph County
Dale and Dorothy Stoner - Starke County
Bob Coffin - Starke County
Wayne Emigh - Tippecanoe County
Brian Buck - Vanderburgh County
Steve Jackson - Vermillion County
Robert Ellis - Wabash County
Clif and Randy Airgood, Airgood Farms - Warren County
Mark and Carolyn Straw - Washington County
David Hoar - Washington County
Jerry Trueblood - Wells County
Alan Schwartz - Wells County
Alan Stout (deceased) - White County
Steve Carlson - Whitley County
Gary Hoffman - Whitley County
Peter Rouch