Farm Bill Now Takes Center Stage at Farm Progress Show

Johnson at Farm Progress 2012As the Farm Progress Show kicked off  Tuesday in Boone, Iowa, National Corn Growers Association First Vice President Pam Johnson participated in a Farm Bill Now press conference with six other commodity groups.  Today’s participants are part of the larger Farm Bill Now coalition that currently has 46 agricultural group and organization members. “Agriculture is one of the few bright spots in the American economy,” Johnson said during the press conference.  “Our farmers continue to be more productive and innovative.  But to continue that trend, we need to have some certainty about how we plan our business. And that is exactly what the farm bill does.” Farm Bill Now is a coalition of agricultural groups, each with strong and varied policy priorities.  The have now come together in a united front to call on Congress to pass a new, five-year farm bill before the current law expires on September 30.  According to the USDA, one in every 12 jobs is directly tied back to the farm making this a bill that touches every American.


“Agriculture policy historically has not just been bipartisan, it’s been non-partisan,” said Johnson.  “When the Farm Progress Show wraps up on Thursday, we will be exactly one month away from the current farm bill expiring.  Naysayers might suggest a new bill can’t be completed in time, but we are here to say it can be – and to call on Congress to pull together to finish their job.  This is a bill that will impact every American and a bill that needs to be done now.”


To learn more about the coalition, visit




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