Mary Gumz, Pioneer agronomist based in North Judson, told HAT there is a great deal of variability in field conditions in her area, “We have fields that never even pollinated to fields that caught some rain and will do OK. I think an average in my area will be 120 bpa on corn.” She said stalk integrity is a serious problem this year and that growers should be checking fields to determine how long the crop will stay standing, “Growers should check their fields and do a push test and a pinch test.” Gumz said the pinch test is a good way to test the strength of the stalk which may be all that is keeping a plant upright. She urged growers to evaluate their fields and determine which ones need to be harvested first.
[audio:https://www.hoosieragtoday.com//wp-content/uploads//2012/08/gumz.mp3|titles=Pioneer field update with Mary gumz 8-29-12]