A phone call Thursday for a central Indiana HAT Field Update yielded some observations on Iowa crops too. John Hussey was making his way home from the Farm Progress Show via the Iowa and Illinois countryside, and he has seen a lot of good crops during his trip.
“We do see some crops under stress but not like I thought I would see, and according to what I heard at the show I will see that as we go through southeastern Iowa through Illinois. We will see a lot of stressed crops. But we have not seen the heavy stress yet that we kind of thought we would see.”
Back home in Tipton County the corn and soybeans look good and harvest is a couple of weeks away.
“I just got a message that about the 20th of September our soybeans will be ready and probably around the 15th we might have some corn ready. But the crops are progressing at a much slower pace just because it’s cooled off some, we got some much needed rain, and it has slowed the crop maturity down considerably. Where we thought we would be harvesting right after Labor Day, we’re not going to be able to do that.”
Once they start to see yield numbers on the monitor Hussy expects they will be more than acceptable.
“Now I’m not looking for the crop we had last year which was very good in our area. I do think that we had enough stress in pollination that we do not have the pollination we should, but I think what we have and looked at, our crop is going to be good.”
And what they’ve seen indicates well developed ears with good kernel depth and test weight. Hear more in the HAT Field Update at the Agronomy page, sponsored by Advanced Ag Solutions.[audio:https://www.hoosieragtoday.com//wp-content/uploads//2012/08/John-Hussey-harvest-in-2-weeks.mp3|titles=John Hussey harvest in 2 weeks]