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LG Candidate Visits Local Farm

Vi Simpson

Lieutenant gubernatorial candidate Vi Simpson visited the Leader farm in Brookston on Monday.  Like many farms throughout the state, the farm has been hard hit by Indiana’s drought this summer.  Simpson spoke of how she will champion Indiana agriculture as Lieutenant Governor and also how Congressman Mike Pence has failed to support Indiana farmers or pass a Farm Bill.  “As Lieutenant Governor, I will be Indiana’s Secretary of Agriculture and a tireless advocate for Hoosier farmers throughout the state,” Simpson said.  “This summer’s drought has been among the worst that many of us have seen.  It has hurt those who work in an industry that’s crucial to the economic health of our state– agriculture– and it will start to hurt us all as food prices rise next year because of a decreased crop.  This is a perfect example of why we need crop insurance and disaster assistance.  But most important, this is why we need Congress to pass a Farm Bill – and we need that to happen now.”



Simpson blamed the GOP leadership for playing polotics with the Farm Bill, “Congressman Pence has consistently been part of the problem on this issue.  He voted against the 2008 Farm Bill five different times.  He voted for a temporary disaster relief bill that didn’t even begin to address the needs of Hoosier farmers, particularly livestock producers, who are the secondary recipients of the drought.  And then he added insult to injury by voting to take a 5-week vacation instead of working to get something done for Hoosier farmers.  Instead of getting results for Hoosiers, he is giving excuses and not doing his job in Washington.”



Simpson added, “Being Governor or Lieutenant Governor is not about excuses, it is about results.  Excuses don’t help Indiana’s farmers.  Indiana’s farmers need a governor who will grow agriculture jobs, get things done and not pass the buck.   Congress has 27 days left to pass a Farm Bill that will support our farm families.  I urge Congressman Pence to do the right thing and give Hoosiers what they need.”


Source: Gregg campaign