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Candidates for President Weigh In on Issues Important to Soybean Farmers

The American Soybean Association wanted a better picture of the views of President Barack Obama and former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney on the issues that are most important to soybean farmers. Both presidential candidates offered their positions on the farm bill and crop insurance, the estate tax, biodiesel, biotechnology, trade, research, regulations and transportation and infrastructure. ASA President Steve Wellman says agriculture is a powerful and positive segment of the American economy and the financial health of the nation’s farms needs to be among the top priorities in the larger political dialogue. He says the responses from Romney and Obama provide a window into how each candidate would approach soybean industry issues over the next four years. Wellman says this input will help soybean farmers make the most informed choice possible as they head to the polls next month.

Both candidates said they would like to pass a comprehensive farm bill as quickly as possible. President Obama pointed to the importance of risk management and disaster assistance. Romney emphasized the need to maintain the competitiveness of the American farmer.

President Obama expressed his support for biotechnology – stating that advances in biotechnology have strengthened agriculture. He said his administration is working to streamline the regulatory process, reducing costs and the time for review for new inventions – while still ensuring crops are fully reviewed to ensure health and environmental safety. Romney expressed his opposition to the estate tax – and support for eliminating it. He said it is his pledge to rural America that the federal government will not force farmers and ranchers to sell their operations or part of their operations simply to pay death taxes as their operations pass from one generation to the next.

For the full responses from each campaign visit

Source: NAFB News Service