Not only is the lack of quantity a problem, but the quality is also an issue. According to Breazeale, corn infected with aflitoxin has been a serious issue. “From the beginning of harvest, we have been testing about every load, and we are continuing to do that today.” He said the situation varies in different parts of the state with areas hit harder by the drought having a bigger aflitoxin problem, “We have had to reject several loads.”
[audio:|titles=Drought Impacting Local Grain Elevators]
Some farmers forward contracted to deliver grain this fall; but, with poor yields, some of those contracts may not be able to be met which poses yet another challenge for local grain dealers. Breazeale said there have been several cases of growers not being able to meet their contracts, “Although the situation is not as bad as it could have been, because there were fewer contracts written this year than normal.” Yet, contract defaults pose a serious threat to the financially viability of local grain operations, “Just a few defaults can really put an elevators in a serious financial position.” He continued that running a grain elevator is a very capital intensive business and contract defaults can take an operation down very quickly. Breazeale says most Indiana operations will survive these challenges, but admits there could be a few that do not.