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In Final Crop Update NASS Says Indiana Corn and Beans Nearly Complete

Harvest is nearing completion across most of the state with the exception of a few east central counties where muddy conditions are slowing progress, according to the Indiana Field Office of USDA’s National Agricultural Statistics Service. Favorable field conditions, in most areas, have allowed a considerable amount of fall tillage to be completed thus far. In preparation for the 2013 growing season, farmers have also been busy working on drainage tile, applying anhydrous ammonia, spreading dry fertilizer and lime and spraying fall herbicides.

There were 5.8 days suitable for field work during the week. Ninety-eight percent of the corn acreage has been harvested compared to 90 percent for both last year and the 5-year average. Moisture content of harvested corn is averaging about 17 percent.

Ninety-nine percent of the soybean acreage has been harvested compared to 98 percent for both last year and the 5-year average. Moisture content of harvested soybeans is averaging about 13 percent. Virtually all of the intended winter wheat acreage has been planted at this point.

Ninety-three percent of the winter wheat acreage has emerged compared to 93 percent last year and 87 percent for the 5-year average. Seventy percent of the winter wheat acreage is in good to excellent condition compared to 73 percent last year at this time.

Livestock are in mostly good condition going into winter. Pastures remain adequate in most areas. Hay supplies are mostly adequate at this time.

Source: Indiana NASS