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Commodity Classic in Florida Filling Up Fast

It appears the annual gathering of corn, soybean, wheat and sorghum farmers that set attendance records early this year is picking up right where it left off. Commodity Classic registration is open now and if you would like to attend the event it is best to secure a spot now with rooms going very quickly. Steve Wellman is president of the American Soybean Association and says one of the attractions is that it moves even further south at the end of February.

“It is in Florida and we are expecting a good turnout. Last year’s Commodity Classic was in Nashville and we set records for total attendance. We set a record for the largest trade show we’ve ever had, and we also attracted the most first-timers than we’ve ever had before. So we’re planning on taking that growth and that record and trying to build on that with the excitement in agriculture and the ability to be down in Florida at the end of winter.”

Commodity Classic gives farmers the chance to share ideas with other farmers and gain valuable information during the educational sessions. But from the producer standpoint Wellman likes what he is able to accomplish at the trade show, which keeps getting bigger.

“We really have good access to the representatives from the companies that are supplying a lot of the inputs and machinery. So it’s a great opportunity to talk to any of those people about new products or if you have an issue with something in a product that you’re using. So it’s a good opportunity to get educated but maybe educate some of those manufacturers or companies on how their products perform for you.”

The 2013 Classic is in Kissimmee, Florida right near Orlando and runs from February 28th through March 2nd. Register for the event and housing now at the Commodity Classic website.[audio:|titles=2013 Classic registration open]