Ripley County Producer Named Conservation Farmer of the Year January 10, 2013 5:29 pm|The Indiana Association of Soil and Water Conservation Districts (IASWCD) held their annual Conservation Awards Banquet Wednesday night as part of…
Seed Consultants Market Watch 1-10-13 Evening Comment with Gary Wilhelmi January 10, 2013 3:23 pm|Financial S&P at 5 year high 1472 Dow closed up 80 NASDAQ advanced 16 Next week earnings shift…
Reorganization Plan for Conservation Districts Moving Ahead January 10, 2013 1:53 am|As Indiana’s soil and water conservation district members head back home from their annual conference which concluded on…
Oil Slips on US Gasoline Stockpiles Data January 10, 2013 12:42 am|The price of oil barely budged Wednesday, while natural gas plunged to the lowest level since late September.Benchmark…