“I am proud to join my friend Senator Dan Coats in introducing this common sense legislation that gives Indiana’s fruit and vegetable farmers the flexibility they need to make the best planting decisions,” said Donnelly. “I fought for the inclusion of the Farm Flex program in the 2008 Farm Bill, and as a member of the Senate Agriculture Committee, I look forward to working on a five-year farm bill that gives Indiana’s rural communities the certainty they deserve.”
Until the 2008 Farm Bill, the planting of fruits, vegetables and wild rice on program crop base acres was prohibited. The Farm Flex pilot program, which is set to expire on September 30, 2013, currently provides farmers in seven states the ability to waive federal subsidies and the restrictions tied to those subsidies in order to produce specialty crops like fruits and vegetables.
The program has successfully incentivized the local production of fruits and vegetables and saved taxpayer dollars due to producers forgoing federal subsidies. The Coats-Donnelly legislation would extend the program to all 50 states.