Hurt says prospects for the entire year of 2014 are beginning to come into focus – though the size of this summer’s crops can still have a strong influence on final outcomes. He says USDA has forecast 2014 hog prices in a range from 56 to 60-dollars per live hundredweight – which appears considerably lower than current lean-hog futures are suggesting. He says the primary difference is that USDA made its forecast in early May when low corn and meal prices were anticipated. The substantially higher feed costs – Hurt says – would be expected to keep the pork industry from expanding and result in hog prices more in line with current lean-hog futures prices. Hurt suggests keeping expansion plans on hold – awaiting better clarification of the size and prices for 2013 crops and the implications for hog production costs.
If corn prices stay below six-dollars per bushel – Hurt says the pork industry would be able to survive another year of low-crop production. Higher corn prices would push the outlook back into losses – while Hurt says a more aggressive expansion would be expected with corn prices dropping below five-dollars.
Source: NAFB News Service