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RFA Says Another Big Oil Excuse Bites the Dust

 According to the Renewable Fuels Association – more than 70-percent of the Top 20 best-selling cars as identified by Edmunds and AOL Auto have been explicitly approved by automakers to use E15 in 2014 models. Bob Dinneen – RFA President and CEO – says Big Oil’s excuses for refusing to offer consumers choice at the pump are falling by the curbside. With more than 70-percent of the best-selling cars approved in 2014 for E15 – he says it’s clear there’s a fuel market thirsty for a less expensive, higher octane, more environmentally friendly alternative. In addition to the growing number of owner’s manuals recommending E15 – Dinneen points to the recent National Renewable Energy Laboratory report that reviewed 43 auto engine studies and found no data to support Big Oil’s stories of engine failure on E15. According to Dinneen – the Environmental Protection Agency and White House Office of Management and Budget should seriously consider these statistics when considering the veracity of blend wall claims. He says increased 2014 Renewable Fuel Standard targets can easily be met via E85, E15 and reserved RINs. If anything – Dinneen says the increasing inclusion of E15 in owner’s manuals shines a bright light on Big Oil’s long-sustained, detrimental resistance to infrastructure build out.

For a complete list of makes and models 2012, 2013 and 2014 approved for E15 use – visit www dot EthanolRFA dot org ( or www dot ChooseEthanol dot com (


Source: NAFB News Service