Last year the drought cut corn yields in NE Indiana to around 100 bpa. This year Stephanie Smith, with DuPont Pioneer in Fort Wayne, said it is a much different story, “This year we dealt with flooding and got the crop planted about a month later than last year.” She told HAT this year corn yields are averaging 200 bpa and above. She said soybean yields are also proving to be surprising, “I am pleasantly surprised since we did not get a lot of rain in August which I thought would really limit soybean yields, but they have been very respectable to above average.”
Smith said several Pioneer varieties have been performing very well this year in Northeastern counties, “We have a P0- 832, which is not a new hybrid but is having a great year across the NE.” A new hybrid, PO-945, is also turning in some surprising yield numbers, said Smith. “PO-945 is the only dry land plot that I have seen go over 300 bpa.”
Smith said an early season T series soybean variety is performing well, “Many of our customers are used to growing our 92Y80 but the new P28T33 is very comparable.” She said the new T series brings a number of agronomic advantages that makes it superior to the 92Y80.
You can get more local yield information from your local Pioneer representative.