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NASS Reports First Indiana Corn has been Planted

NasslogoIn the Hoosier state, warmer temperatures and drier weather have jumpstarted field activity for the week ending April 20, according to the USDA, NASS, Great Lakes Region. Temperatures were slightly cooler than average for the week, with average temperatures ranging from 43º F to 55º F, with a low of 18º and a high of 82º for the state. Precipitation ranged between .05 inches and 1.44 inches.

Winter wheat and pasture are both well into greening. Application of anhydrous fertilizer and burndown herbicides in the field are in full swing. Tillage has begun to a moderate extent in some regions with drier soils. Planting of corn, oats and barley has begun in very limited
quantities, restricted mostly to southern districts as most farmers are still waiting for soil temperatures to improve. In the weekly progress report Indiana comes in at 1% planted while national corn planting progress stands at just 6%, well below many analyst estimates. Illinois and Ohio are also at 1% complete.


No activity has been seen yet for soybeans. Although hay supplies remain sufficient in most regions, more livestock are being turned onto pasture. Other activities include late harvest of 2013 corn crop and moving grain to market.

Corn Planted – Selected States

[These 18 States planted 91% of the 2013 corn acreage]
                 :            Week ending            :           
      State      : April 20, : April 13, : April 20, : 2009-2013 
                 :   2013    :   2014    :   2014    :  Average  
                 :                    percent                    
Colorado ........:     -           -           2           6     
Illinois ........:     1           1           5          22     
Indiana .........:     1           -           1          14     
Iowa ............:     -           -           2          11     
Kansas ..........:     5          11          21          18     
Kentucky ........:    14           4          10          30     
Michigan ........:     -           -           -           5     
Minnesota .......:     -           -           -           9     
Missouri ........:    12           9          26          29     
Nebraska ........:     -           1           4           6     
North Carolina ..:    59          20          43          58     
North Dakota ....:     -           -           -           3     
Ohio ............:     1           -           -          10     
Pennsylvania ....:     2           -           -           5     
South Dakota ....:     -           -           1           3     
Tennessee .......:    28           7          19          44     
Texas ...........:    59          57          60          60     
Wisconsin .......:     -           -           -           3     
18 States .......:     4           3           6          14     
-  Represents zero.

Source: NASS