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House Moves Forward with Water Resources Reform Act

The House of Representatives passed the Water Resources Reform and Development Act yesterday (Tuesday) – which will authorize modernization of the locks and dams on the Mississippi River and harbor projects important to agriculture – by a vote of 412 to 4. American Farm Bureau Federation President Bob Stallman says WRRDA passage has been a priority issue for the American Farm Bureau Federation and its 6-million members who depend on an efficient and reliable inland waterway system linked to competitive ports. Stallman says WRRDA will bring 6-billion dollars in total cost savings and important reforms to ensure the reliability and strength of the nation’s inland waterways and ports.


National Corn Growers Association President Martin Barbre says WRRDA is crucial to farmers as more than 60-percent of the nation’s grain exports are transported by barge – and this infrastructure must be improved to fuel the domestic economy and improve U.S. agriculture’s ability to compete in markets abroad. American Soybean Association President Ray Gaesser says the House has done its part – and now it’s on the Senate to get it passed and on the President’s desk.