The Glass Barn, a project of Indiana corn and soybean growers, gives State Fair visitors a chance to chat with real farmers on their farms via a direct video link. Last year, hundreds of visitors had the chance to get a firsthand look at farming, and Megan Kuhn, communications manager for ISA and IC, says that this year several new farmers have been added to the lineup representing some different types of agriculture, “We have added two new farm families to our lineup, and they represent areas of agriculture not covered during last year’s fair.” This year’s farmers include Steinkamp Farms, Evansville, which grows soybeans, corn and wheat on a 2,000 acre farm; Kelsay Farms, Whiteland, which raises 500 dairy cows and grows corn, soybean, hay and wheat; Hill Farms, Greenfield, which raises farrow to finish pigs and grows soybean, corn and wheat; Tuholski Farms, Mill Creek, which raises soybeans, corn, seed corn, popcorn, alfalfa, and wheat and also raises feeder steers and 500 dairy heifers; and Gillis Farms, Dunkirk, which raises soybeans and corn.
One of the more popular features of the Glass Barn last year was the photo booth which will be back again, but with some new photo opportunities. “Visitors will be able to have their photo taken with chickens and even a tractor,” said Kuhn. Last year, this exhibit produced thousands of photos that ended up on a wide variety of social media channels, thus extending the reach of the Glass Barn far outside the Fairgrounds.
Also making a return to the Glass Barn is the Bean Go game. Kuhn said last year over 20,000 people participated in this game which has players search the barn for answers to agricultural questions, “We have some new questions so be prepared to come and learn some new things.” The Glass Barn, certainly one of the more interactive and engaging displays at the fair this year, is located on the north side of the Fairgrounds.