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EPA Released WOTUS Proposal Maps

The Environmental Protection Agency released maps detailing the extent of the Waters of the U.S. proposal on Wednesday.  The maps were handed over to the House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology.  Similar maps were made by tthe National Cattlemen’s Beef Association and other agricultural organizations.  NCBA alleges the maps show individual states facing upwards of 100,000 additional stream miles that could be regulated under the proposed regulation.  NCBA’s Ashley McDonald called the maps “the smoking gun” for agriculture.  She stated “These maps show that EPA knew exactly what they were doing and knew exactly how expansive their proposal was before they published it.”


Knowledge of the maps came as the Committee was doing research in preparation for a hearing regarding the proposed Waters of the United States rule. The maps were kept hidden while the Agencies marched forward with rulemaking that fundamentally re-defines private property rights, said Chairman Representative Lamar Smith. He stated “Given the astonishing picture they paint, I understand the EPA’s desire to minimize the importance of these maps.”  You can see the maps online at science dot house dot gov. (


Source: NAFB News Service