In a first for the American Farm Bureau convention the organization’s president conducted a town hall style meeting with the ag secretary on the floor of the trade show this year. Bob Stallman hosted Tom Vilsack from USDA, and regulations on farmers came up again when Travis Gebhart from South Dakota was handed the microphone.
“My question to you is simply, what can USDA do to instill some common sense in the regulatory process?”
Vilsack explained that’s just not how it works in Washington but he did restate that his agency continues to communicate with and educate those sister agencies, and that is a process that should foster greater understanding of farming.
“We make an effort at USDA to educate our sister agencies about the impact that a
The ag secretary also challenged farmers to do more outreach of their own, including creative social media efforts, to educate neighbors and the public who are getting further removed from farm life.
Roughly 5,000 members across the country are attending the event in San Diego, including 220 from Indiana.