Tractor Sales Up 6% For The Year, 4wd Down 65%, Combines Down 47%

Kubota M7 TractorAccording to the Association of Equipment Manufacturer’s monthly “Flash Report,” the sale of all tractors in the U.S. for January 2015, were up 6% from last year.   For the month in 2015, a total of 11,800 tractors were sold which compares to 11,123 sold thru January 2014 representing a 6% increase year to date.

For the month, two-wheel drive smaller tractors (under 40 HP) were up 18% from last year, while 40 & under 100 HP were up 12%. Sales of 2-wheel drive 100+ HP were down 6%, while 4-wheel drive tractors were down 65%.

For the month, two-wheel drive smaller tractors (under 40 HP) are up 18% over last year, while 40 & under 100 HP are up 12%. Sales of 2-wheel drive 100+ HP are down 6%, while 4-wheel drive tractors are down 65%.  Combine sales were down 47% for the month. Sales of combines for the first month totaled 346, a decrease of 47% over the same period in 2014.

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