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FMC Anthem Maxx Does More with Less

FMC Anthem Maxx Does More with Less


Matt Hancock

With planting behind schedule this spring, time will become a critical factor. A new formulation by FMC, however, will let you do more with less and do it faster. FMC’s Anthem herbicide has been in field use for 3 seasons, but this year’s new formulation, Anthem Maxx, has cut the use rate in half. Matt Hancock, corn segment manager with FMC, told HAT the previous level of 8oz per acre has been cut to 4oz per acre for pre-emergence control of broadleaf weeds and grasses. He said this new lower use rate will allow growers to get a product to the field quickly and easily, “A grower can fit enough product to treat 1000 acres in the back of a pick up.”


Anthem Maxx herbicide provides strong control of broadleaf weeds, such as waterhemp, Palmer amaranth, lambsquarters, and redroot pigweed, with long residual performance. The herbicide also suppresses other key broadleaf weeds including morning glories, velvetleaf, and kochia. Anthem Maxx herbicide also provides control of annual grasses, including foxtails, crabgrass and fall panicum, with strong suppression on other tough grass weeds.


In addition, FMC has introduced a new delivery system for several of their formulations. Hancock says this technology sets growers free to easily and efficiently cover more acres in less time while saving water, fuel, and labor, “Growers can plant up to 500 acres between refills. With tight planting windows and more variable weather, growers are demanding technology that allows them to cover more ground faster. 3RIVE 3D helps growers get more done in a day.”


The system incorporates Capture LFR insecticide, which is used to control early season insects such as wireworm, cutworm, grubs, armyworm, and others. The insecticide and water are mixed together in the plumbing on the way to the toolbar, resulting in a foam formulation that expands by 50x in the furrow. Hancock calls it an innovation that blends “molecule and machine” and explains why they named it 3RIVE. “It creates an entirely new way to deliver crop protection products for seedling defense and yield enhancement,” he says. “The system is designed to help plants and farmers thrive.”