Flexibility, a Key to Successful Weed Control in 2015
He said, while dicamba has proven weed control, it can cause crop injury. The new safener additive (CSI™) makes this Bayer product safe and extremely flexible to use. “DiFlexx has a wide window of application from burndown to V10,” Breitenstroeter said. “More importantly, DiFlexx will effectively target tough weeds like Palmer amaranth, lambsquarters and waterhemp while also targeting more than 100 annual and perennial weeds, including those resistant to glyphosate and ALS-based herbicides.”
He adds, because it is a liquid, it is extremely easy to apply, “DiFlexx can be tankmixed with other postemergence herbicides, such as Capreno® or Laudis®. Such a postemergence tankmix will provide an additional mode of action to further control herbicide-resistant weeds.”