A cold and rainy week hindered fieldwork and slowed planting progress during the week ending April 26, according to the USDA, NASS, Great Lakes Region. Cold weather was present throughout the state slowing wheat and hay growth, and damage to fruit crops is unknown. Increased rainfall contributed to ponding in many fields that has prevented some farmers from planting and fertilizing.
Regionally, winter wheat jointed was 18% complete in the North, 27% in Central, and 46% in the South. The wheat crop is beginning to make some progress throughout the state, but remains to be far behind last year. The stands that are in poor condition have been burned off, tilled under, or kept for straw. Topdressing has been completed in most regions.
By region, corn was 4% planted in the North, 1% in Central, and 1% in the South. Few farmers were able to get some corn fields planted due to the cold and rainy conditions. Many fields remain to be too saturated to get planters out and there is some concern that the soil temperatures are not suitable for seed germination. Statewide 3% of the corn has been planted, up form 1% last wek, 7% last year and the average of 26% . Nationally 17% of the corn has been planted, compared to 27% for the 5 year average.
Most of the fieldwork conducted this week was focused on working the ground and spreading fertilizer to be ready for a break in the weather to continue planting crops. Pastures have continued to green up, although some farmers are providing supplemental feed to livestock. Mint planting was finishing up. The wet spring has hindered sufficient burn downs, which has allowed weeds to emerge and take over fields in some areas. Other activities for the week included tilling, spreading fertilizer, fixing tiling, clearing fencerows, and preparing planting equipment.