At the Indiana State Fair this week, some of Indiana’s top farm leaders were recognized with a series of awards. The AgriVision award, presented by Lt. Governor Sue Ellspermann, recognizes individuals whose vision has made a difference in Indiana agriculture. Honored this year were Don Villwock, President of Indiana Farm Bureau, and Don Orr, President of JBS United.
“The passion and commitment Don Orr and Don Villwock bring to Indiana agriculture exemplifies the spirit of the AgriVision Award,” Ellspermann said. “Through their leadership, Indiana agriculture is recognized as a global leader in technology and innovation.” “They are outstanding examples of the drive it takes to further promote and advance the best of Indiana agriculture,” said Ted McKinney, director of the Indiana State Department of Agriculture.
Ellspermann told HAT that it is the caliber of leaders in our state that is the cornerstone of Indiana agriculture’s success, “It really is the defining factor on why Indiana agriculture has been so successful. Our leadership is truly the cornerstone of Indiana agriculture.”
Villwock said today all of those involved in agriculture need to step up and step out to be leaders and advocates for our industry, “We have to put on a public face of agriculture to be successful — to lobby lawmakers and educate consumers about our industry if we are going to pursue our passion and be successful.”
Purdue Women in Agriculture awards were presented to Linda Baird of Cornucopia Farms in Washington County and Beth Archer with the AgriInstitute. Archer said developing leaders for the future will be critical for the success of agriculture and, going forward, those in ag leadership positions will need to reach outside the field of farming and food production, “Learning to work together with other segments of society that are outside of agriculture will be critical — like working with the health care industry or the technical industry. Our leaders of tomorrow will need to connect with many different groups.”