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Agribusiness Joining the Fight for the RFS

One of the biggest companies in agriculture is pressing the US Senate on the issue of the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS). DuPont has written a letter to a leading critic of renewable fuels urging him to back off. This is a good move. Big oil is behind the move to dismantle the RFS and the renewable fuels sector needs all the help it can get.  Hopefully this is just the beginning of corporate American getting behind the only energy policy that makes sense for America, the RFS.


In Letter to Senator Toomey, DuPont Voices Strong Opposition to Attacks on RFS

WASHINGTON, D.C. – DuPont executives and employees released a letter Wednesday to Senator Pat Toomey stating their opposition to the Senator’s legislative attempts to undermine the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS).

Any attempts to repeal or “reform” the RFS would significantly harm the biofuels industry, devastate America’s agriculture economy, and jeopardize future growth and development in advanced and cellulosic biofuels – the cleanest motor fuel in the world.

An excerpt from the letter is below:

We implore you to reconsider your stance on the RFS and work with us to create the right incentives for the biofuels industry to move beyond current technologies.  New investments will create jobs, reduce impacts to the environment, and reduce our reliance on foreign oil that will inevitably impact our economy and national security.