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Farm Bureau’s Schneider Receives National Recognition

Justin Schneider
Justin Schneider

Justin Schneider, senior policy advisor and counsel for Indiana Farm Bureau, has been honored by the American Agricultural Law Association with its Excellence in Agricultural Law Award. Schneider was recognized for his outstanding contributions to agricultural law in the area of non-government organization service for his policy work on behalf of the farmer-members of Indiana Farm Bureau, as well as his leadership and service to the AALA.

His nominator stated, “I think Justin does an excellent job of trying to come up with practical solutions for problems and concerns of his farmer members in Farm Bureau, as well as AALA. To me, this is one of the top qualities of a good leader.”

The AALA is a national membership association focusing on the legal needs of the agricultural community. The awards ceremony was held in conjunction with the AALA annual meeting in Charleston, South Carolina on October 23.

Indiana Farm Bureau President Don Villwock echoed the sentiment found in Schneider’s nomination.

“Justin is well-respected in Indiana’s legislative and regulatory circles, especially for his work in water resources and nutrient management,” said Villwock. “I’m glad that the AALA has recognized his passion for ag law and the leadership he’s shown in Indiana. We at Farm Bureau are extremely proud of his accomplishment.”

In addition to receiving the Excellence in Agricultural Law Award, Schneider is now serving a term as president-elect of the national association.