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National Farmers Union Joins Coalition Seeking Court Review of RFS

The National Farmers Union filed a petition Friday to join a Coalition seeking a court review of the Renewable Fuel Standard. Farmers Union filed the petition with the U.S. Court of Appeals, requesting a review of the Environmental Protection Agency’s final rule settings of 2014, 2015 and 2016 volume targets under the RFS. Farmers Union President Roger Johnson noted that EPA set renewable fuel volume targets well below amounts required by law. Johnson said “we believe the EPA’s final rule and interpretation of their general waiver authority is wrong and requires legal review,” adding that undermining the RFS damages agriculture, rural economies and the environment.

NFU joins a coalition of biofuels advocates that expressed similar concerns in a joint petition filed earlier this year. Those groups include Americans for Clean Energy, American Coalition for Ethanol, Biotechnology Innovation Organization, Growth Energy, National Corn Growers Association, National Sorghum Producers, and the Renewable Fuels Association.