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Coalition Turning Up the Heat on Congress Over GMO Issue

The Coalition for Safe Affordable Food is urging Congress to reach an agreement on GMO labeling quickly. The coalition called on Senate Agriculture Committee Chairman Pat Roberts and Ranking Member Debbie Stabenow to come to an agreement on legislation to set a national standard for the labeling of food products containing biotechnology. Joining the coalition in its plea to Congress, American Soybean Association CEO Steve Censky told reporters on Thursday that “the lack of Senate action really threatens the livelihoods of the farmers we represent.” Roberts and Stabenow have indicated that they continue to make progress toward a solution. However, only a handful of legislative working days remains before the Vermont law’s July first deadline.

Agriculture groups, such as the American Soybean Association, say that, without a national standard that supersedes the Vermont law, states across the nation could adopt individual laws that differ, making compliance highly burdensome.

Source: NAFB News Service