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GMO Labeling Bill Will Pass Senate

While lobbyists continue to pressure the U.S. Senate this week to consider the GMO labeling compromise introduced by the Senate Agriculture Committee, the committee’s ranking Democrat says the bill is more likely to pass after July 5th. Michigan Senator Debbie Stabenow says the compromise between her and the Senate Agriculture Committee Chair Pat Roberts “will have the votes” when it comes up for consideration by the Senate. Still, even though some Democrats have said they will back the bill, it is unclear whether it has enough votes. Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders announced this week he plans to put a hold on the bill.

Other Democrats want the bill to include mandatory on-package requirements, rather than giving food manufacturers the option of on-package labels, or smart labels that direct consumers to more information. However, it is not too late for lawmakers to preempt Vermont’s GMO labeling mandate. Though the state law takes effect Friday, the Vermont attorney general has said he will not start enforcing the law until the beginning of 2017.

Source: NAFB News Service