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Storms Bring More Moisture than Damage to Crops

Scattered storms throughout the state increase soil moisture, according to Greg Matli, Indiana State Statistician for the USDA’s National Agricultural Statistics Service. Storms greatly decreased the days suitable for fieldwork causing farmers to focus primarily on maintenance of their farms. Tornadoes touched down in different counties creating varying degrees of damage to crops. Farmers reported that tornadoes damaged very little but excessive rain and standing water is hurting the crop. While locally heavy downpours observed throughout the state contributed to waterlogged fields, dry pockets persisted, primarily in the northeastern corner of Indiana. Statewide average temperature was 74.3 degrees, above normal by 1.7 degrees. Statewide precipitation was 1.14 inches, above normal by 0.34 inches.

Attempts at hay making continued. Feedlots are still muddy but livestock are reported as in good condition. Other activities this week included seeding cover crops, preparing equipment for harvest, pumping water from fields into ditches, grain bin maintenance, harvesting apples, cucumbers, and tomatoes, mowing roadsides, and attending the Pinney Purdue Field Day.

the South. Corn dented was 60% in the North, 64% in Central, and 60% in the South. Tornadoes left some corn flattened. High dew points during the day and at night are producing ear rot and mold on the maturing ears of corn. Some seed corn fields were sprayed with fungicides and a saline solution to help corn plants and ears dry down. Corn rated in good to excellent condition was 72% in the North, 79% in Central, and 64% in the South. Corn conditions have declined slightly since the beginning of August, but remain well above the five year average.

By region, soybeans setting pods were 95% complete in the North, 94% in Central, and 92% in the South. Soybeans dropping leaves has started. Soybeans dropping leaves were 3% complete in the North, 9% in Central, and 3% in the South. Soybeans are starting to show signs of maturation. Soybeans not directly in the path of a tornado benefitted from the rains. Currently there are no reported signs of damage to the root system. Soybeans rated in good to excellent condition were 72% in the North, 78% in Central, and 67% in the South.