ACE Debuts Online E15/Flex Fuel Roadmap

A new tool developed by the American Coalition for Ethanol (ACE) for gasoline and ethanol retailers is available online starting today.

The website, an interactive version of ACE’s recently released E15 & Flex Fuel Retailer Roadmap, which can be accessed here, features an interactive calculator that retailers can use to compare current sales and revenue to results achieved by their peers currently offering higher blends of ethanol, says ACE Senior Vice President Ron Lamberty.

“Our Roadmap website is similar to the guide we’ve just published for retailers, since both provide state-by-state laws, programs, statistics, and “back-of-the-napkin” examples of the profit potential of selling higher ethanol blends for an average retail store in their state. Those examples aren’t predictions, they simply show what a fictional ‘average’ store in that state could do if its sales increased at the level of current mid-tier or top-performing E15 & flex fuel retailers,” said Lamberty. “The Roadmap isn’t meant to be a ‘how-to,” it’s more of a “maybe you can.” On this website, we’ve added a feature that station owners or managers can use to plug in their own numbers – actual current gasoline volume, and different fuel and inside sales margins – to see the potential of higher blends, and help them decide if they want to take a closer look at offering their customers some new fuel choices.”

Lamberty notes that the website’s state-by-state profiles feature important stats for c-store owners and operators including the number of flex-fuel stations, flex-fuel and total vehicles registered in the state and a comparison of those numbers to show the potential demand per state for E15 and E85 volume and stations.

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