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Soil Sampling on the Go The Easy Way to Manage Nitrogen

Soil Sampling on the Go The Easy Way to Manage Nitrogen

New technology being used on Indiana farms is helping farmers manage their nitrogen, save money, and improve the environment. In our latest Better Farming video report, sponsored by the Indiana soybean checkoff, we demonstrate a portable soil sampling device that allows farmers to take soil samples anywhere, anytime, and get the results in a matter of minutes.  Jim Schwartz, with 360 Yield Center, “This can tell you what is going on in your soil and how the weather and other factors are impacting the levels in your field.”  He said this technology makes it clear if you need to add more or cut back to manage plant growth and yield.


Rather than taking soil samples just once a year, Schwartz says sampling through the growing season will help you better manage your nitrogen use and keep your soil healthier, “It gives you real time data during the growing season and lets you make in field decisions in real time.”


With a price tag of only $4000, this technology can pay for itself very quickly. “You don’t have to save a lot of nitrogen in order for this to pay for itself,” Schwartz stated. “It is portable and can be easily moved from field to field and farm to farm.” He added that it also helps growers do a better job of managing their nitrogen use and minimizing the runoff from their fields.


Watch this unit in action in our Better Farming video now on our web site.