Rain totals topping 6 inches fell in many parts of Indiana over the weekend. Flooding is a serious concern in many areas, with more rain in the forecast for this week. Yet, DuPont Pioneer agronomist in eastern Indiana Brian Bush says the heavy rains have not posed much of a threat to crops. In fact, for farmers who have some crops in the ground, they are actually welcomed, “We needed rain in parts of eastern Indiana. I was out checking on newly planted corn and soybean fields last week and noticed the surface was getting hard and crusty. We needed some moisture to allow these plants to break thorough the surface. We certainly got it.”
Bush says the cooler weather that came along with the rain should not pose a threat to newly planted corn and soybeans, “We have soil temperatures in the 60s, so the crops that got planted last week should germinate fine.” He added, for some fields where crops may be underwater, the cooler temperatures will actually help the plants survive longer, “They should be good for 3 or 4 days.”
Bush said, for growers who still have a lot of fields to plant, the delay caused by the rain is not welcomed, “This will keep them out of the fields for 7 to 10 days, but planting in the middle of May in SE Indiana is not that unusual.”
DuPont Pioneer Agronomy Report 5/1/1