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A Weather Forecast with More Dry than Wet Days, Finally!

A Weather Forecast with More Dry than Wet Days, Finally!

Ryan Martin

The weekend ahead holds the chance for some scattered showers around the state. However, HAT meteorologist Ryan Martin says next week looks dry, “I see no new significant precipitation coming into Indiana from Monday through Friday. That means we will put together 5 days of dry weather. There is a minor front that will enter the state next weekend, but it will likely only have minor amounts of rain and not very good coverage.” This should allow corn planting and replant to move toward completion and help soybean planting to make major progress.

As for rain totals this weekend, Martin says they will be significant, but not the gullywashers of the past few weeks. According to Martin, “Weekend totals combined will be from 0.5 – 2 inches with coverage at 80% of the state. Southwest Indiana gets the least precipitation, as it may be later Sunday afternoon until we see good, solid shower potential get in to that quarter of the state. Central and Northern Indiana get the best rains. However, this moisture looks to come in a fairly usable manner…with no more than .25 – .5 inch at a time over the 60-hour period. We also see less of a threat of thunderstorms, which also will decrease the potential for excessive rains.”

The next few days will see below normal temperatures. Martin says next week brings a warm up, “South winds will return, and we should see warming across the region with a return to normal temperatures in most parts of the state.”

In the extended forecast,  Martin says, “I see the potential for a strong weather system mid-month, but, if we have enough dry days ahead of that, we will be ready for some moisture.”

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