While the U.S. is still unhappy with the slow pace in the North American Free Trade Agreement negotiations, there are some sections that are close to completed. Canada’s chief NAFTA negotiator says that the sixth round of talks could lead to a revamped sanitary and phytosanitary chapter of the pact. Politico says that chapter covers rules on food safety and animal and plant health. While Canadian officials said there were discussions on that chapter Thursday, even though it’s not finished, they’re more hopeful that it’s close to being wrapped up.
Talks on Canada’s dairy supply management system are stalled, which may mean it takes a backseat on things like automobiles, government procurement, and dispute settlement. Jaime Castaneda, senior vice president for trade policy with the National Milk Producers Federation, says he believes there is still a way forward on dairy negotiations, and he feels that the Canadian government believes that too.
Source: NAFB News Service