Mr. Vice President goes to USDA on National Ag Day


Vice President Mike Pence went to USDA in Washington DC Tuesday to help with the celebration commemorating National Ag Day. He was introduced by USDA secretary Sonny Perdue who acknowledged National Ag Day’s role in “helping people understand where their food and fiber comes from and how important agriculture is to our national economy.”

The vice president touted accomplishments of the Trump administration, thanked the men and women in the many agencies of USDA, and then focused on what farmers themselves mean to the country.

“Because the contributions that farmers make that we remember on this National Ag Day go far beyond feeding the world,” he said. “They go far beyond the enormous and calculated economic impact that farmers have on communities large and small. I truly do believe the greatest contribution farmers have made throughout the long and storied history of this nation has been to the character of the nation.”

Pence then referred to the Bible and its frequent references to ‘consider the farmer.’

“There’s something about the virtues of working the land, of having to rely on the blessings of providence, and having to wait on the weather, right? The resilience that it takes I think has nurtured not only people in farming, but I think it in a very real sense has nurtured the character of our nation.”

The Vice President added, “Since day one of this administration, President Trump and our entire team have been working tirelessly to stand with our nation’s farmers, producers, ranchers, and foresters, and everyone involved in agriculture. As the President has said, in his words, in ‘every decision we make, we are honoring,’ and supporting, ‘America’s proud farming legacy.’ And I promise you we always will.”

He closed with essentially a prayer for the young 4-H and FFA members in attendance as they consider their own futures in ag, and then it was a slight variation on the Trump slogan.

“We will make American agriculture great again,” Pence told the crowd. “God bless the work of this great department and God bless the United States of America and all of our farmers!”

Hear Secretary Perdue and VP Pence here:Perdue-and-Pence-on-Ag-Day-2018

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